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New Poems

The Donnée
                                —for Ellen Bryant Voigt

What's to prefer, the lines full-
nelsoned, pinioned, pinned
to the mat, the lines kneaded
with effort's clay, glazed, the diadem 
at last set upon the graying crown,

or the donnée that comes unannounced 
like best friends in childhood, a flash
flood, insouciant accent mark and vowel 
doubled, that comes head unmolded, 
Greek god body—baby Hermes, quick-

silver—no time to lick your pencil tip,
you're barely aware how it got there 
or what's slated next, metaphoric
as that may be of all what's passed,
all the whats that lie ahead in wait?

Copyright © Roy Jacobstein All rights reserved

Green Mountains Review, 2006
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