

All semester in Psych Lab I shocked 
the nictitating membrane of a white rabbit
(every ten seconds for seven minutes).
Our professor was making his name 
puréeing smart planaria and feeding them 
to dumb ones who then became smart. 
It all had to do with DNA and learning 
and memory, as I recall, and maybe 
the Pill, or possibly the pacification plan 
for Vietnam. Deliver direct electrical current—
It's mild, he assured us—to that opaque bit 
of ocular tissue, then enter the subjects' 
responses into the charts in our cross-hatched 
notebooks. I recall the experimenter (E—me) 
seemed upset, far more distressed 
than the subject (S: sleek fur, berry eyes), 
though in time E would master the art of labeling 
someone else's pain a little discomfort.

Copyright © Roy Jacobstein All rights reserved

Witness, 2000, Crime in America issue
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