

The Odd Morphology of Regret
Lint collector, abdominal eye, perpetual
seat of kindergarten curiosity— 
insie or outsie?—

you reign: universally mammalian, very 
center of our being, mute remnant 
of Mom long after Mom's 

become remnant, invaginated marker 
of life's arc. (Insie and outsie 
inexorably recede.) 

But please, tell us, Señor Umbilicus,
Miss B. Button, why you lack 
those frissons of feeling 

that got us here, you who should be 
the ultimate pleasure zone— 
shapely, accessible, 

clitoral, to whom reams of paeans 
would certainly be penned—
why you remain so 

utterly unerogenous, ghost port 
where all the great vessels 
once docked.

The Threepenny Review, Spring 2001
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