

Safari, Rift Valley
Minutes ago those quick cleft hoofs
lifted the dik-dik's speckled frame.  
Now the cheetah dips her delicate head 
to the still-pulsating guts. Our Rover's
so close we need no zoom to fix the green 
shot of her eyes, the matted red mess 
of her face. You come here, recall a father 
hale in his ordinary life, not his last bed, 
not the long tasteless slide of tapioca. 
This is the Great Rift, where it all began, 
here where the warthogs and hartebeest 
feed in the scrub, giraffes splay to drink,
and our rank diesel exhaust darkens the air 
for only a few moments before vanishing. 

Copyright © Roy Jacobstein All rights reserved

Witness, 2001
Featured in American Life in Poetry, 2006
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